Plasma Elite Fibroblast

Plasma Pen/ Fibroblast Treatment
How does it work? With our state of the art Plasma Elite Pen, we force the skin tissue to contract virtually immediately by thermally disrupting the skin as well as fibroblasts. This micro-trauma stimulates new collagen (neocollagenesis) which helps release and activate essential proteins and growth factors like cytokines and fibroblasts, which makes more collagen than before it was disrupted. Eventually, excess skin dries off to form tiny crusts that fall off like dandruff in just a few days. New collagen is formed over a period of up to 6 months.
Is the Plasma Pen safe?
Our Plasma pen is one of the first in the World to utilize a Low frequency delivery of the plasma arc. This enables the treatment imprint to be wider, and shallower than traditional thermal only devices. The benefits of which are a greater tightening effect allowing for better results, a quicker healing process and less down time to the client. The plasma pen can be used on most skin types, however, your practitioner will assess your skin and offer a test patch prior to treatment.
Does it hurt?
The treatment can be a little uncomfortable, for a comfortable experience we recommend attending your appointment on time to allow the topical anaesthetic application to have the required time to absorb and take effect in the areas you would like to have treated. The topical anaesthetic is applied for 30 mins for the best effect.
How much does it cost?
There is no one price fits all. Individual treatment costs vary and the type of treatment you require will also mean the price will vary. We promise as part of our guarantee to give you a full pricing structure and to explain fully prior to proceeding with any treatments. As a result of the variations and all clients being different, we tend to estimate how long the treatment will take and quote a price according to the area being treated.
What is involved with the treatment?
Your practitioner will apply topical anaesthetic to the skin’s surface for 30 mins prior to the treatment, the cream will be removed and the treatment using a small, hand help pen shaped device will apply the treatment. A 60 min appointment is allocated to allow you to relax and receive your after-care advice prior to leaving the clinic.

How long will it be before I see results?
An immediate tightening will be seen with the plasma pen and dermal fillers. Once healing has taken place you will see an improvement in skin condition and tone. Collagen production and skin tightening gets progressively better over 10-14 weeks and continues to improve up to a year later.
How successful is the treatment?
The fact is, the treatment works. However, success of a treatment to one client maybe failure to another. Skin tightening appears immediately, whereas collagen induction occurs over a period of time. For some clients more than 1 treatment may be required to achieve their desired results.
How long does it last?
Once collagen is formed, the natural ageing process of breaking down the collagen will then take place. Intrinsic and extrinsic factors can contribute to the collagen breakdown such as UV exposure and smoking. However, depending on the amount of sagging skin, sometimes it may require more than a single session. This treatment tends to last for many years.
How many treatments will I need?
This is a single treatment, but depending on the skin laxity, more than one treatment may be required.
How will my skin look?
The skin will have multiple millimetre trauma marks to the skin’s surface, and as healing occurs the skin will appear dry and flaky. In the first couple of days, redness and swelling will be present. Every individual will vary, others may have more swelling, whereas some may swell for over a week. Pigmentation from the small marks can be present for longer if the scabs come away earlier than expected, for example when lying on one side of the face whilst sleeping.
If you have any further questions please contact Brazelia Medspa at 561-353-2265